Civil aviation refers to all non-military aviation activities involving the operation of aircraft by private individuals, commercial airlines, and other non-government entities. It encompasses both commercial air travel and general aviation. The primary focus of civil aviation is on transporting passengers and cargo, as well as various other activities related to air travel.

Moderators: Berlin Heisenberg, Airliner High Command

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Jack Conrad
Posts: 1
Joined: Mon Feb 12, 2024 12:47 am

Name : Jack Conrad

Date of birth :14 / 02 / 1994

Phone Number : 251833149

Why you want to earn helicopter certificate : I want to be a good citizen, intend to get a helicopter driving license, as the license has been issued if I have a helicopter, and avoid any violations in using an airplane, thank you. and didn't againts the law
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Berlin Heisenberg
Posts: 195
Joined: Fri Apr 21, 2023 2:50 am

Hello Jack Conrad, thank you for registering yourself for a Civil Aviation Certification Test.

Our staff will contact you between Monday to Saturday - depending the time when you will be available in town. The test will last about 30 minutes.

The certification test will be held on Los Santos International Airport. We won't lend you any helicopter on site, so please bring your own helicopter. The helicopter doesn't need to be under your name.

Our on site instructor will give you further information about the Civil Aviation program. See you later, goodluck!

Important notes:
If you did any intentional action that would harm our on-site instructor, you will be BANNED from any certification of Civil Aviation forever.
Please read our latest procedures and information center while you wait for the time until we reach out to you.


Halo Jack Conrad, terimakasih sudah mendaftarkan diri untuk Civil Aviation Certification Test.

Staff kami akan menghubungi Anda antara hari Senin sampai hari Sabtu - tergantung pada waktu Anda tersedia ketika di kota. Tes ini akan berlangsung selama 30 menit.

Tes sertifikasi akan diselenggarakan di Los Santos International Airport. Kami tidak akan meminjamkan helikopter untuk tes, jadi harap bawa helikopter Anda sendiri. Helikopter yang dibawa tidak perlu atas nama Anda.

Instruktur yang hadir pada tes sertifikasi anda akan menjelaskan lebih lanjut mengenai program Civil Aviation. Sampai jumpa dan semoga berhasil!

Notes Penting:
Apabila Anda dengan secara sengaja melakukan sesuatu yang dapat melukai Instruktur kami ketika tes sertifikasi berlangsung, maka Anda akan dilarang untuk mendaftar sertifikasi Civil Aviation selamanya.
Selagi menunggu kami menghubungimu, jangan lupa untuk baca prosedur-prosedur kami.
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